Archaeologists often seek out items with cultural value. This couch can show a glimpse into the past. The “archaeologist” can see what was fashionable at the time and what materials were used to make furniture then. Since the 1960s, archaeologists have been looking for and recording “behavioural patterns” in “material remains”. Using all curb couches for reference, an archaeologist could make a lot of conclusions about people and their culture. Tracking how often a couch was left out would reveal the average length of time a household keeps the same couch. Looking at areas split by income level would reveal what styles and fabrics were considered higher end and luxurious.
Looking at the Garbage Project made me think of this couch as an interesting artifact that was household refuse that someone has put out on the curb . Garbage can be described as “the artifacts that at some point are no longer wanted” but that does not mean an item in unwanted by everyone. This couch may have been left out as garbage, but “scavengers” might find it along with the other ““worthwhile” discards they [find] in the streets”. “[G]arbage and garbage containers are almost always in sight” , which makes it easier for rummagers to find something useful or valuable. As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Our society’s current attitude seems to be “out of sight, out of mind,” desiring to “totally eradicate our discards”. It does not have to be this way. Reusing and upcycling is an innovative way to make “garbage” useful again. I am not sure the intention of the person who left this couch here. It is not in terrible condition, could be a good couch again if it is cleaned. But, it looks like it is missing cushions and I do not know who would take the time to load this in a truck, clean it and add it their home. I would like to think that whoever left the couch on the curb was well intentioned and thought someone in need would take it. Unfortunately, my rational side is telling me that this person was too lazy to take it to a dump or to donate it.